Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Survey

Musique - "Let's Start the New Year Right" by Bing Crosby

The Girl with the White Parasol blog made a new year's survey and I love these sorts of things, so here are my answers:

1. What is your all-time favorite Grace Kelly costume?
Grace Kelly is my favorite actress, so it was hard to narrow down my favorite of her costumes. But this little number from To Catch a Thief is so adorable. I love how the dress is paired with a scarf and little white gloves. How very Grace Kelly.

2. What classic film would you nominate for a remake?

Absolutely none. I hate remakes of classic films. I have yet to see one done right.

3. Name your favorite femme fatale.
Greta Garbo as Felicitas in Flesh and the Devil

4. Name the best movie with the word "heaven" in its title.
All This, and Heaven Too; I just watched this recently, actually. It's not my favorite movie of all time, but I really haven't seen many movies with "heaven" in the title.

5. Describe the worst performance by a child actor that you’ve ever seen.
This is soooo easy—Karen Balkin in The Children's Hour. She was soooooooooo annoying. I know the character was meant to be a bratty, annoying, spoiled little girl, but this was over the top. I couldn't even finish watching the film and gave it a one star review on Netflix—99% because of her.

6. Who gets your vote for most tragic movie monster?
I feel bad for Frankenstein's monster because he didn't ask to be created or to be feared. I love when he finds the blind man and they become friends, but then it's so sad when he becomes so scared by the fire. Of course, he does kill a little kid, but I'm sure he just didn't know he was playing so rough. Poor guy.

7. What is the one Western that you would recommend to anybody?
I am so not a fan of Westerns, but I do love Barbara Stanwyck. So, I'd recommend The Furies, for the scene where she throws the scissors at her new step-mother-to-be's face if nothing else.

8. Who is your ideal movie-viewing partner?

If I'm at home, I prefer to watch movies alone, so there's no talking and I can pause the movie whenever I want. But if I'm at the theater, I really like seeing movies with my sister.

9. Has a film ever made you want to change your life? If so, what was the film?
Well, other than making me want to move to Paris and making me cut my hair like Audrey Tautou's (nearly every time I watch it), Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie Poulain makes me want to be more clever and more kind to others.

10. Think of one performer that you truly love. Now think of one scene/movie/performance of theirs that is too uncomfortable for you to watch.
I love Clara Bow so much, but I really dislike Dangerous Curves. From the drunk idiot she's in love with to the ugly spit curl on the side of her face (normally I like spit curls, but this one bothers me), there is nothing good about this movie. It just makes me feel bad for Clara that she had to be in it.

11. On the flip side, think of one really good scene/performance/movie from a performer that you truly loathe.

I don't necessarily "loathe" James Mason, but he usually plays such smarmy, pervy, icky dudes. So when I saw him as Gustav Flaubert in Madame Bovary, I was pleasantly surprised by his performance.

12. And finally, since it will be New Year's soon, do you have any movie or blogging-related resolutions for 2012?

Nope. I have only one resolution for 2012—to love myself unconditionally, no matter what. But, of course, part of that will involve watching lots of classic movies because I love them so. ;)

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