Monday, February 24, 2014

R.I.P. Harold Ramis

Musique - "Ghostbusters" by Ray Parker, Jr.
I was very saddened to hear of Harold Ramis's death today. Ghostbusters has been my favorite movie for thirty years and he is greatly responsible for its enduring charm. I usually get sad when celebrities I love die, but this is sadder than most for me. I've seen Ghostbusters more times than any other movie on the planet. My sister and I used to recreate scenes from it and play Ghostbusters in the woods. We'd watch it nearly every day when we got home from school. Harold Ramis was a very important part of our childhood. And now he's gone. I keep crying because it's so sad and he was way too young. But at least we'll have the movies he wrote, starred in, and directed to remember him by. What an amazing talent he was and he will be so sincerely missed.


Susan said...

Tell him about the Twinkie.

Susan said...

But seriously, this is incredibly sad, mostly because he was too young to die. At least when 3/4 of the Golden Girls (also a large part of our childhood/early adulthood) they were elderly and their passing was inevitably near (still incredibly sad). At least we have Ghostbusters forever.