Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Downton Abbey" Love

Musique - "Downton Abbey Suite"
I love, love, LOVE Downton Abbey. Well, who doesn't? But a series that started with the sinking of the Titanic, continued on through WWI and into the 20s—how could there possibly be a more perfect show for me than this one? (Although, I think Boardwalk Empire is tied for my favorite TV show, but since it's also set in the 20s, that's no big surprise.)

I don't have TV and I intensely dislike watching things on my computer, so I have to wait for my favorite shows to come out on DVD. You can imagine how happy I was when Downton Abbey Season Three was released late last month. Needless to say, I watched the entire season this weekend.

I don't want to spoil it for anyone who isn't caught up, so I won't say what happens—especially since I know how awful it is to know what's going to happen before it does (unfortunately, I spied something on YouTube that ruined the ending of Boardwalk Empire Season Two for me and I spent the whole season waiting for it to happen; and there was also a special feature on Mad Men Season Four's first disc that ruined the last episode for me—do I like any TV shows set in present day?!).

But anyway, I just wanted to say that I am a bit of a soft touch and it doesn't take much to make me cry, but I've never cried more (or louder) over fictional characters as I did over this season of Downton Abbey. Julian Fellowes pulls a J.K. Rowling and kills off some of my favorite characters, blast him. I actually couldn't even cry at the last episode of the season because I had cried my entire heart out last night over Part Five. I'm honestly surprised that my neighbors didn't come to check on me, I was so hysterical.

It takes great skill to make a show as great as Downton Abbey and to make people care so much about the characters. And I am ever so thankful that this show is in my life, even if it tears my heart to pieces sometimes. ;)

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